
eServices for Employers

eServices for Employers

Based on the SIO's strategy to facilitate all dealings for concerned parties, the SIO provides several eServices through it ePortal which help save time and effort and guarantees efficiency of the services provided to employers, insurees, and beneficiaries. This page explains about these eServices and shows information on how to acquire access to those services.

To activate the E-services available to you, you must obtain your personal eKey by selecting the “eKey dedicated service”. Once you fill the form, you will be provided with an activation link through the email address provided by the employer. To complete the activation process and benefit from all the available E-services you must fill the linked form with the required data.

eServices for Employers include a package of services for employers which aim to complete their dealings with the SIO electronically as well as follow up on their progress. Through these eServices employers may view all what pertains to financial transactions, registration transactions, and yearly update of salaries made under their accounts at the SIO.

To access SIO's E-services, Kindly click here and enter your employer number and password as you have recieved it from SIO.

E-services Account online activation

E-services Account online activation

This is a highly confidential eService requiring the verification of your smart card and biometrics (fingerprint) via the Advance eKey access. To obtain this access for first time, please visit the nearest eGovernment eService Center with your Smart Card.

* This service requires an eKey authentication.

More Details

This eServices enables you to activate your establishment and branches ( if any ) by using Employer Number or CR Number.

* This eService requires an advanced eKey authentication provided by the Information and eGovernment Authority( IGA ).

Maintain Users

Details of Maintain Users

This eService is available to those employers where number of employees are more than fifty. This eService provide user management functionality allowing to add/ edit/ delete maximum of 5 sub-users, where sub user access the eServices based on selected privileges.

View Current Invoice

Details of view current invoice

Once the monthly invoice is issued, the employer may view its details which consist of a summary of the previous invoice, current month contributions details, and fines or interest fees when applicable. The electronic invoice can be printed, and breakdown for its components may be viewed. In addition to that, the SIO sends monthly e-mails providing a summary for the current invoices, as well as SMS notifications once an invoice is issued.

View Health Care Fees Collection Invoice

Details of View Health Care Fees Collection Invoice

This eService allows to view the monthly invoice of the health care charges according to the ministerial order number 29 for the year 2014 of the determination and organization of primary health care for establishments and which accordingly SIO issues this monthly invoice of and collecting of these charges for Bahraini workers that is calculated as 22.500 BD per worker annually. In addition to the total annual charges that appears in the invoice of January, the page contains a summary on the previous month details and any differences occurs in monthly bases as result of the addition and termination of the workers during the year. Also the invoice might contains some exceptions by MOH for some period and some percentage, hence only the remaining amount due will show in the invoice.


Details of online payment

This eService enables you to pay the monthly insurance contributions on-line securely. Your account balance will be immediately updated after a successful payment. This method is available for Credit Card and also for Debit Cards (ATM) and for selected banks.


Details of account statement

This service enables employers to view the statements of their accounts at the SIO. The statement illustrates all financial transactions that affect accounts balances like payment transactions, monthly invoices, and credit and debit notes.


Details of insured workers list

The insured workers list shows all of your worker's records along with their contributions that are registered with the SIO. The list reflects any changes that have been made to these records during the year: additions, terminations, and amendments. A search feature for a specific record is also available. You may reconcile your employees records with the contribution records appearing in the current invoice, and export the list into an MS Excel file. This statement is updated daily.


Details of monthly addition and termination

This service makes available to users a list of added and terminated insurees as per the SIO's records corresponding to the current invoice. It also helps you view the details of such transactions when the cursor is placed over a record. You can also search for an employee's record using either the name or the ID number. Moreover, this list can be exported into an MS Excel file.


Details of monthly adjustment details

This service makes available to users a list of monthly adjustments that affect the calculation or recalculation of contributions included in the current invoice. It also helps you view the details of such adjustments when the cursor is placed over a record. You can also search for an employee's record using either the name or the ID number. Moreover, this list can be exported into an MS Excel file.


Details of national workers registration

This eService is to electronically register Bahraini and GCC nationals in the SIO's records with no need to personally attend and submit papers as it is integrated with the MOL and the CICO. You can also track the progress of registration transactions on-line until completion. In addition, an e-mail is sent when a transaction is concluded.Through this service, employers may view the progress of National and GCC Workers Registration Processes. They also may view the status and details of the records of the workers to be insured.


Details of national workers termination

This eService is to electronically terminate Bahraini and GCC nationals with no need to personally attend and submit papers to SIO. You can also track the progress of the termination transactions online until completion. In addition, an e-mail is sent when a transaction is concluded.


Details of yearly update salary

This service enables employers to electronically perform the yearly update of their employees' details (salaries and job titles) in the SIO's records. The process can be completed using one of two services. The first service is direct update through the ePortal which suits establishments with limited numbers of employees The second service is Upload of Updated Salaries File and it is more suitable for establishments with larger numbers of employees.

Insurees Pension Calculation

Details of Insurees Pension Calculation

This service calculates the expected monthly pension amount for those who works or had worked in the private sector retirement based on Pension Laws and the actual insurance information registered at the SIO. This service displays the pension calculation details and suggested dates for retirement for best pension amount.

Request For Pension

Details of Request For Pension

This eService allows submitting the pension request electronically after completion of service and is applicable to Bahraini nationals only. With help of this eService, there is no need to personally attend and submit papers to the SIO. .

Insuree Contribution Statment

Details of Insuree Contribution Statment

This service displays a statement of your salary at SIO that was registered by your employers for current job and during the previous years, so you can verify the salaries that was register and report any errors.

Avarage Salary Calculation

Details of Avarage Salary Calculation

This service allows to calculate a salary assumption for any applied job, based on selected parameters such as the job title, qualification, years of experience, employer activity and size of the company. Calculation depends on SIO’s database which reflects the current status of the labor market.

Update Job Title

Details of Update Job Title

This service allows you to update the job title for the insurees registered in your establishment in accordance with aplicable law,this service is only avaliable for bahraini nationality and GCC citizens insurees.

Register Work Accident

Details of Register Work Accident

The Worker accidents eService allow employers to register Work accidents and daily allowances in the SIO records with no need to personally attend and submit papers. You can also track the progress of worker accidents transactions on-line until completion.

Page Last Updated: 2024-02-04