Private Sector
a circular to all ministries / departments on the contributions of staff in the retirement system of law No. (13) for the year 1975.
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a circular to all ministries / departments Subject: Clarification on some of the recent amendments on the Law No. (13) for the year 1975 on the organization of pension and retirement benefits.
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a memorandum to all ministers and governors respectable.
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circulated on the determination of ages for all employees subject to the provisions of Law No. (13) for the year 1975.
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a circular to all ministries / departments on the transfer of monthly contributions made by staff under the provisions of Law No. ( 13) for the year 1975, as amended, on the organization of pension and gratuities for government employees.
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a circular to all ministries / departments on the enrollment card in the draft retirement for each employee subject to the provisions of Law No. (13) for the year 1975 on the organization of pension and gratuities for government employees.
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circulated on the specific day, month, who was born where the staff member subject to the provisions of Law No. (13) for the year 1975 on the organization of pension and gratuities for government employees.
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circulated to all staff subject to the provisions of the retirement law No. (13) for the year 1975, as amended, on the organization of exchange rewarding retirement and pension at the end of their service with the government
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a circular to all ministries / departments on staff who have acquired the Bahraini citizenship after the issuance of Law No. (13 ) for 1975 on the organization of pension and retirement benefits.
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circulated on contributions and the government's share due from the fiscal year 1980 for government employees subject to the provisions of the Superannuation Act No. (13) for the year 1975.
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circular on retirement contributions withheld inadvertently or error of some staff not subject to the pension law No. ( 13) for the year 1975, contributions are not payable to the Authority from previous years.
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circular on the changes in the development of pension contributions for some employees after the first half of the month of January 1980 .
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circular on the cards enrollment in the draft of retirement for employees who meet the attendance requirements.
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a circular to all ministries, departments and various government agencies, on the truncated pension contributions are determined by law No. (13 ) for the year 1975 from the staff during the trial period or staff who are appointed after the age of fifty.
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circular on the extension of some government employees subject to the provisions of Law No. (13) for the year 1975 after the age of session for reasons of public interest.
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a circular to all ministries and departments on the emerging change or amendment to the basic salary for staff subject with the provisions of Law No. (13) for the year 1975 on the organization of pension and gratuities for government employees.
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on how the circulation of the notification of the Edit model of injury Annex Ministerial Resolution No. (5) for the year 1985 on the procedures required to prove the work injury.
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Circular No. (1) on the determination of the application of accident insurance for staff non-Bahraini workers bodies and public institutions.
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Circular No. (2) is typical on the health status of the injured and the end of the treatment model notification and return to work and the percentage of disability backward.
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Circular No. (3) on the definition of the concept of non-Bahraini employee's salary in the settlement of receivables caused by an injury assessed articles (68, 69) of Law No. (13) for the year 1975 on the organization of pension and gratuities for government employees.
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Circular No. (4) on the dates and is typical request medical re-examination of the injured.
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Circular No. (5) on the determination of pensions is not permissible for the owners to replace part of in accordance with Article ( 82) of Law No. (13) for the year 1975.
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Circular No. (6) concerning the obligation of government agencies to pay the participation of work injuries by 3% of salary non-Bahraini employees of the Public Authority for the Pension Fund.
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Circular No. (7) for the year 1988 on the replacement of personal number in the system of the Central Population Registry number sequence career staff subject to the provisions of Law No. (13) for the year 1975.
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Circular No. (1) to clarify some of the significant terms and provisions contained in Decree Law No. (3 ) for 1989 amending some provisions of Law No. (13) for the year 1975 the organization of pension and gratuities for government employees.
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Circular No. (1) for the year 1990 on the date of retirement for judges of civilians and immigrants and how to extend their service.
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Circular No. (2) for the year 1990 on the definition of the word sign as a condition for entitlement to a student son or brother to share in the pension of the deceased.
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Circular No. (3) for the year 1990 on defining the concept of the marital relationship as a reason for entitlement to widow's pension from her husband .
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Circular No. (4) for the year 1990 on defining the concept of the pension benefit provided for under the second paragraph of Article III of the Decree Law No. (8) for the year 1988 amending some provisions of Law No. (13) for the year 1975.
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Circular No. (5) for the year 1990 on a pension whose common father and mother in accordance with Article ( 37) of Law No. (13) for the year 1975
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circular on how to discount a loan installments in accordance with Resolution No. (2) for the year 1993 from the salary of the employee or officer or individual who receives the annual leave.
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a circular to all ministries and departments of various State institutions and public bodies and other entities on the prohibition of reverse for combining the previous service or virtual.
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Circular No. (1) for the year 1997 to His Excellency Minister and managers on non-promotion on the degree be listed on the organizational structure, to increase the salary pot settlement of pension rights for staff who completed his assignment on the normal retirement and early retirement.
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